I’ve always been one of those girls who had a thing for shoes. Even when I was a teenager, big chunky shoes and boots, always had latest styles and highest heels. When I got older and well, gained a little more weight than I liked, it just didn’t matter when it came to shoes. Feet are the old reliable… they never get fat and look great in whatever you dress them in.
Getting married and having children at a relatively young age, didn’t thwart my shoe habit, but it did thwart my shoe budget. Now, with my two oldest children in college and my youngest about to enter private high school, Marshall’s and DSW are still my primary shoe sources (I’m not complaining because I’ve yet to walk through either store without coveting several pairs).
Last weekend, was girls shopping day with my daughter, sister-in-law and nieces. We headed to Garden State Plaza; make-up at Sephora, lunch then the shoe department at Nordstrom’s…sheer bliss.
I made a beeline to my favorite designer, Steve Madden; just call me a Madden girl. I’ll take…all of them!
I then proceeded to wander to Sex in the City territory. Manolo,, Jimmy Choo, Dolce & Gabbana, Prada and so many more….I came upon the coveted red soled Christian Louboutin. I picked a pair and turned it over to reveal the price tag. They were gorgeous, but even if money was no object, would I? could I? spend that much money on one pair of heels?! And if I did, what if I scuffed them walking down my stairs? Or the heel caught in a crack in the sidewalk? Would I become obsessed and be afraid to even wear them outside of my house? Then there’s the ethical dilemma that for the price of these sexy stilettos I could feed a family of four for a few weeks or rescue animals in need. Alas, I think it will be quite some time before I might be faced with the reality of those questions.
For now, I’ll have to settle for being a Madden girl…but a Madden girl with dreams!